

Eyes Wide Open came into being as this quilted piece made by Jennifer Goodenberger, a local artist and pianist/composer. Because she hangs in my bathroom next to the mirror, she got under my skin, in a good way.

I began serious sketching in 2008 during a week-long workshop with Mari Le Glatin Keis (author of The Art of Travelling with a Sketchbook). When I look back at that formative sketchbook, the first two days are a struggle, but on Day 3, Eyes Wide Open made her appearance and the page exploded. She’s been with me ever since, tho not on every page (she needs her quiet time).

As I say in my first post, sometimes we are one, and sometimes I just use her to help me see the 10,000 things. Even when I forget, that’s what Eyes Wide Open (‘EWO’) does. She sees. I draw. We are one.12 years later – I have 9 sketchbooks and an active practice. My travelling kit goes with me everywhere, and I can stop and draw at a moment’s notice. This has come to be very important to me, to my sanity, and my center of balance.

I have a small audience for my pages, and I would like to enlarge that. I want to publish some of my pages in medias res, in no particular order, and without too much explanation. If you’d like to join the journey, then plug yourself in and let’s head out.

Because travelling doesn’t necessarily mean leaving home.


15 thoughts on “About

  1. I cannot really express how much I love these pages — and especially the history of your sketching life with Eyes Wide Open. I can look again and again. cheryl


  2. You have opened my eyes and touched my heart with your sketches!
    Thank you, dear Christi, for creating this website. Vicki


  3. My Heavens! You invited me to your blog way back when but life is so busy! Today I found time and what a joy. I have to assume that today was the perfect day to discover your talents and I’m trying very hard to simply enjoy and not feel inadequate – and I am successful! Thank you for sharing and for this glimpse into who you are. Susan


  4. Am excited to watch these delightful pages unfold, like life, so full of surprises, and personal. Thank you Christi, for opening your book! Anna Lee


  5. Oh Christi! These sketches are so wonderful. I am so envious of your trip and all your discoveries. Hope to see you there soon! Maybe you’ll sketch me too?


  6. Christi, this is absolutely amazing and a gift to the world. I see in your sketches and thoughts a beautiful combination of your father’s wisdom and your mother’s creativity – all held in a fragile and sensitive being (you). Take care ♥️ of yourself…….


  7. Back in 2007 I met you as you put together the Draw group. When you moved away, you passed the group to me to try to maintain, and we are still going strong. I love the EWO group here with your lovely and meaningful sketches. Please keep in touch. Gheri Fouts


  8. I’d forgotten the history of Eye Wide Open. Delightful to see the original quilt. My special “S” sits on my dresser reminding me of your calligraphy. I hold a small selection of Karen’ sketches also. Remarkable women!


    • Thanks, Susan. Even I sometimes forget where EWO came from; but then, there she is, on my wall waving ‘Hi!’ Also, it’s good to be held in the hands & memories of our good friends. Thank you for that.


  9. Lovely sketches of your trip to Oregon. I especially enjoyed your peeps at Powell’s.
    Your mail delivery person must have been amazed at your HEAVY flat rate box of ROCKS!
    Where did you put them?


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